My husband and I are little dog people. So is my aunt. However, my brother and his wife are big dog people.
One night, we had a family dinner, and everyone brought their dogs — two small and one big dog. It was the first time all three dogs were together, as my brother’s dog was still a “puppy.”
What happened? With a combined 25 lbs of weight, the two older small dogs barked vociferously at the large 80lb puppy to the point where, feeling scared and threatened, he peed all over my mother’s brand-new drapes.
“On no!” is right! Were these older dogs scared that the new “kid” on the block would alter the family dynamics? Were they afraid of changes to the water bowl? Would the young pup have new tricks? We will never know.
However, we do know that we don’t want to drive younger people out of the workplace. Training and development plans contribute to a welcoming culture and, when combined with solid management, will keep peace within your pack.
Stop running in circles. If you could use some help, reach out to us here at The HR Team. We don’t bite.