One day a number of years ago, our washing machine started acting odd. It wasn’t completing a cycle and was quite frankly acting as if it had the flu.
My husband and I debated. Should we repair or replace it? We decided to call a repair shop to evaluate the washing machine and make that determination. The repairman arrived about 30 minutes later, then he said, I found your culprit. It was likely in a pocket and just got stuck in the mechanism.
What was the culprit? A Barbie towel. When I say Barbie towel, I mean a teeny tiny Barbie-sized towel. This little item was stuck in a pipe and prevented the washing machine from working effectively.
As managers, many times we look at an employee who has stopped performing and we assume that we need to dismiss them. However, an effective manager needs to evaluate the entire situation, look at the tools, systems and processes that are given to the employee to ensure they are actually able to do their job to the best of their ability.
Need help resolving an employee issue? Contact The HR Team for assistance. Washer not working? See if Barbie has all her accessories still intact.